Luiz Queiroz usa da fotografia para cuidar do que lhe afeta. Captura nos vazios, sente nas paisagens, nas pessoas, nos ambientes aquilo que deve ser criado. Tem interesse no elemento humano inserido na cena, no lugar comum. Foge do óbvio e captura o acontecimento na lente, no ângulo, na deformação da perspectiva que faz a imagem ser única e potente. Estabelece um contato intuitivo e imediato da relação com a situação, com o objeto e sabe capturar o clima, como se roubasse da atmosfera a imagem, sem interferir na cena. Como um artesão da imagem, constrói ponto a ponto a atmosfera que pretende, ampliando a expressividade da sua obra.
Desde criança já sabia qual seria seu ofício. Fotografava com apenas 8 anos de idade com a Pentax Spotmatic 35mm de seu pai. Trilhou caminhos na publicidade, colaborando em diversas agências de publicidade, revistas, catálogos, revista técnica de fotografia e editoras no Brasil.
Fez escola com renomados fotógrafos na Europa, onde morou e trabalhou por alguns anos. Aprendeu a montagem de luz em estúdios com Oliviero Toscani, Fabrizio Ferri e Bert Stern entre outros, desenvolvendo o olhar nas sutilezas das luzes, sombras e ângulos. Imprime tecnicamente sua história e sua larga experiência como fotógrafo.
Luiz Queiroz tem um estilo próprio, marcante e reconhecido a partir da luz, impressa na pupila do olho, segredos de uma boa fotografia, o espelho do estúdio.
Luiz Queiroz uses photography to take care of what affects him. He captures in the voids, feels in the landscapes, in the people, in the environments what needs to be created. He is interested in the human element inserted in the scene, in the commonplace. He avoids the obvious and captures the event in the lens, in the angle, in the deformation of the perspective that makes the image unique and powerful. He establishes an intuitive and immediate contact with the relationship with the situation, with the object and knows how to capture the mood, as if stealing the image from the atmosphere, without interfering in the scene. As an image craftsman, he builds the atmosphere he wants point by point, expanding the expressiveness of his work.
Since he was a child, he knew what his profession would be. He began taking photographs at just 8 years old with his father's Pentax Spotmatic 35mm. He followed paths in advertising, collaborating with several advertising agencies, magazines, catalogs, technical photography magazines and publishers in Brazil. He studied with renowned photographers in Europe, where he lived and worked for a few years. He learned how to set up lighting in studios with Oliviero Toscani, Fabrizio Ferri and Bert Stern among others, developing his eye for the subtleties of light, shadows and angles. He technically imprints his history and his vast experience as a photographer.
Luiz Queiroz has his own style, striking and recognizable from the light, imprinted in the pupil of the eye, secrets of a good photograph, the studio mirror.
Since he was a child, he knew what his profession would be. He began taking photographs at just 8 years old with his father's Pentax Spotmatic 35mm. He followed paths in advertising, collaborating with several advertising agencies, magazines, catalogs, technical photography magazines and publishers in Brazil. He studied with renowned photographers in Europe, where he lived and worked for a few years. He learned how to set up lighting in studios with Oliviero Toscani, Fabrizio Ferri and Bert Stern among others, developing his eye for the subtleties of light, shadows and angles. He technically imprints his history and his vast experience as a photographer.
Luiz Queiroz has his own style, striking and recognizable from the light, imprinted in the pupil of the eye, secrets of a good photograph, the studio mirror.
Exposições - Exhibitions
Individuais - Solo
• “Ao redor da ÁGUA ao nosso redor” - Individual
- Projeto “Foto no Café” - Indaiatuba, SP - 2024
• “Observando Momentos” - Individual
- Pinacoteca de São Bernardo do Campo - São Bernardo do Campo - 2018
• “Veneza” - Individual
- Cafezinho Revistas e Bate Papo - São Paulo - 2008
• “Contra Luz” - Individual
- Clube Volkswagen São Bernardo do Campo - 1996
Coletivas - Group
• "5ª Mostra Arte e Coletividade" - Coletiva
Oposta Espaço Inventivo - Limeira, SP - 2024
• "Fotografe São Paulo" - Coletiva
Centro Cultural O Jardim - São Paulo - 2024
• “Fotoarte 2019” - Coletiva de 30 fotógrafos selecionados em concurso mundial
- Vitoria Gasteiz - Espanha - 2019
• “O Que Uma Lacuna Te Representa” - Coletiva
- Revista Gaps - São Paulo - 2015
- Li Photogallery - São Paulo - 1994